Author: Ren Caldwell

Reconnecting with Spaces

Posted on Feb 15, 2023 in Articles & Updates and General

Written by Coach Ren There is nothing like cutting thick black mats with an exacto knife to bring me back to when we opened the first Strive & Uplift facility in January of 2017. We expanded the movement space in the Ballard gym last week, and as I was sawing away (trying to be mindful […]

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Making Space for Yourself

Posted on Dec 21, 2022 in Articles & Updates and General

Written by Coach Ren The “Long Dark” is upon us, and the holidays are challenging for many people. We’ve been sharing ideas during our class check-ins about how to support ourselves during this time of the year. Light subconsciously helps us regulate and gives us energy – it’s good to think about how to create […]

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