Category: Articles & Updates

Class & Gym Access Survey

Posted on Nov 10, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey if you’ve participated in any Ballard member services, including the Zoom portion of hybrid classes taught from Ballard. We’ve been trying out running multiple services at the same time; according to our Fall Survey, most members want to use their membership during the 7am and […]

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Fall Schedule

Posted on Oct 4, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

Our fall schedule starts October 7th! Check it out.

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Fall 2022 Member Survey

Posted on Sep 6, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

This survey is for people who have a Class & Gym Access Membership, participate using drop-ins, or are interested in joining us for classes or gym access this fall! Your feedback will influence our class schedule, so thanks for letting us know what options fit your needs. You don’t need to answer all the questions […]

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Summer Schedule Changes

Posted on Jun 14, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

We’re making some changes to our weekly schedule that we’re excited to share with you! We’re hoping these shifts will make our offerings easier to navigate for both current members and people who want to join our community. More Classes We’re adding classes to bring our monthly total up to 90! We’ll have strength classes […]

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Community Slack User Guide

Posted on Apr 27, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

Slack is a place for our community members to be able to get updates, reach out for any community asks and of course, share all the pictures of your adorable pets. You can also use Slack to reach a coach if you have questions or if you need to alert them that you can’t make […]

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Training Space in West Seattle!

Posted on Apr 15, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

ISO: Coaches who want a great West Seattle space to train their clients! Strive & Uplift is a movement community run by an awesome coaching collective! We’re values-driven, experienced, and passionate about our members and clients. We also spend a good bit of time and energy working to dismantle toxic fitness culture and learning and […]

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BertBrain Classics: Stats in Mixed Ultimate – Analyzing Team Progress with a Match-Up Ratio Lens

Posted on Apr 8, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Ultimate Specific

This article first appeared appeared in the BertBrain blog on Upwind Ultimate’s site in July 2017. The language has been updated to reflect current terminology and rulesets governing playing ratio in the division. In 2016, Mixtape scrimmaged BFG, and the captains were discussing how a specific player performed. I went through the plays of the […]

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Mask Policy Update

Posted on Mar 31, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

We’ve reviewed the data from our community survey on masks and wanted to share our findings as well as some determinations we’ve made based on that data, your comments and WA State reports. First of all, thank you so much for your input – we had 53 respondents!! It was really helpful to hear what […]

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Training to Take Care of Others

Posted on Mar 22, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Ultimate Specific

Coming back into playing team sports after a hiatus for the pandemic, I’ve noticed an area of training that’s easy to overlook when spending more time working out alone than playing with others. Team sports like ultimate require understanding of where you are in relation to other players. This skillset uses visual, auditory, and touch cues, and these are things we can and should develop!

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Mask Policy Member Survey

Posted on Mar 12, 2022 in Articles & Updates and Updates

With mask and proof of vaccination mandates dropping, our S&U coaching collective decided to pause and check in with our movement community about what measures serve our needs best! We come together in our physical and virtual locations to move from different places with different vulnerabilities and accessibility needs. For example, some folks might benefit […]

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